The Best Way To Make Use of Your Time in Quarantine

5 min readMar 31, 2020

Let’s face it, most of us are in quarantine, or a mandatory lockdown now due to the impact of COVID-19 affecting our cities and nations. The majority of us are bored out of our minds and slowly losing it as we feel more and more isolated from the outside world — slowly forgetting what it feels like to have a social life anymore. The likely resort for most of us is Netflix and binge-watching shows that are on our watch-list, or even re-watching some good ol’ classics (Fresh Prince… or Suits, anyone?). For others, perhaps a 4-hour run of Fortnite, or getting together with the siblings to finally launch that TikTok career you were secretly thinking about.

All are very plausible — I’ve even thought about them myself — But for me, I haven’t yet done any of that. In fact, as difficult as it is, I’ve managed to maintain enough self-control to be able to put this incredible amount of free time I now have into ways that are likely going to benefit me in the long run. I’ve noted some key things that I could do while being on lockdown and I wanted to share this with you as I believe it could help so many people take that first step to achieving greatness, or perhaps it’s just something you could finally tick off your list of things to do? So how can we make the best use of our time in lockdown?




I’m just a dreamer… I love to inspire and be inspired.