How Do You Pick The Best Idea?

4 min readJul 20, 2019

Do you ever get a sudden urge to do something creative and innovative, but don’t know where to start? It could be when you’re at work and you get given a task by your manager to be a little innovative on a presentation. Or, it could be to do something of your own, like create a website, or start up a side-business. Do you ever get that feeling like you just have too many ideas, and just don’t know what to pick or where to start?

I sure do. It happens to me all the time, because I’m consistently trying to keep myself busy, and I’m always looking for ways to improve and do better. Recently I’ve been attending a lot more seminars and workshops around entrepreneurship and building something of your own rather than just pursuing a regular 9–5. Yes, I’ve been interested in doing something of my own but just never knew where to start. Attending all these workshops have inspired me and motivated me to just begin. Begin with something. Anything! So I went home, pulled out an A4 piece of paper, and began jotting down every single idea that came to my mind, and believe me, there were a lot! I wrote down ideas for different types of websites I could have and different types of businesses I could set up. I wrote down a huge list of potentially usable domain names, and niches that I could target my website/business too. And then I was completely and utterly overwhelmed. My A4 sheet was filled with barely…




I’m just a dreamer… I love to inspire and be inspired.