8 min readOct 31, 2021


Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

4 Critical Money Mistakes I Made as a Beginner when Managing my Money

I’m currently on a journey to financial independence and I’ve learned many critical things along the way. If you could go back in time and share with yourself some financial words of wisdom which could have benefitted you, what would you tell yourself? For me, I’m kicking myself for the following financial mistakes and these are super easy for anyone to do if they’re not careful, or just simply unaware. If I had known these things, I would have accelerated my progress on this feat. The road to financial independence requires constant learning and improvement from your own and others’ previous financial mistakes. This is why I’d like to share my errors and build awareness for people that are on their financial journey - particularly for those people that are maybe younger and just starting out, or are simply intrigued about things to be on the lookout for when starting out in your money journey.

  1. Not putting my money anywhere useful:

From the day I got my first paycheck, I’ve always had the habits of a serious saver — I think it’s a habit I’ve picked up from my super-saver parents. Ever since I got my first job, I have been super careful with money and have always allocated a large portion of each paycheck away into my savings account. I got my first job a little later than most and started working part-time when I was in university. This began in…




I’m just a dreamer… I love to inspire and be inspired.